1Malaysia concept is a right concept introduced! Honestly, a common sense principle of a nation of Multi-cultural, which supposes every responsible Malaysians should have known, and have been practicing, nonetheless, the reminder by Prime Minister is at a right time I think. However, for many reasons, which closely related to what have been busy with, as well as unknown explanations that some people may give.. so people doubt about the common sense concept. Individuals don’t believe in the application part of the common sense concept.. why? (just because you don't..).
Regardless of people believe or not, will work or not, it is supposed to be like this anyway in the place we born, we live, we retire.. There will be time we find some people (out of ~25 millions Malaysia population perhaps) do not (do you?), but we do at least, so do it anyway~ You might think nobody starts it, but at least you do, and it starts from you. Because we simply don’t want the other way around in Malaysia.. never was.. never will..