..have been struggling with a series of question that is going to come out on an exam paper! It is about what determines the FATE of cells in our body.. how the embryo cells later become our brain, our body, our limbs, our skeletons, our organs.. I mean how they (the cells) know what to get into?
Well, just look at the brain (my interest), what makes the young cells to gain the FATE of becoming various type of brain cells? This can take many complicated yet flexible processes or changes, depending on the location of cells in the embryo, time period, exposure to biological factors from the surrounding, guidance from other supporting cells, outside introduction of chemicals into the embryo, and many, sometimes just randomly..
It sounds something like what determines the FATE of young people like you (or when you were young) who later will become what a person.. a specialist or in other careers or nothing or anything, at least something, if we think broader. Here, we have like the geographical factor, time, factor other environment factors, guidance and help from other people, or mere lucky.. Does look identical in many ways.
By the way, just hope to understand better what determines the FATE of cells at the weekend, so I could determine my FATE in the Monday exam!