A few quite big exams are coming in this week, but he still went out for an unfamiliar yet worth going dinner party held by again unfamiliar yet worth knowing non-profit organization - UNESCO. A cultural party which many people from many countries (in Western, Euroasia, South Africa, Asia Pasific region) attended.. and everybody were given a chance to briefly introduce their own country!
A young Malaysian Chinese he is, away from home for some months in Korea, realized that he has not really had known much about or had that much desire to know more about his home country before. Since then, he has been trying to get to know of his nation a little more and in the cultural party just now, he took up the opportunity to tell something about Malaysia in front of the multi-nation crowds.. obviously the traditional culture.
However, wait.. at the night, he doubted.. err, Malaysia consists of 3 major ethnics: Malay, Chinese and Hindu, so which one is Malaysia? ..got stuck for a few minutes about what is Malaysia? Indonesians will present about Malay's culture, China people will talk about Chinese's, while of course, the Indians will share about Hindu's. Therefore, as a Malaysian..? Oh, it was almost his turn to speak, the doubt unsettled still, and finally..
Yes, "a complete MALAYSIA is.. Malay, Chinese, and Hindu's with their different cultures well preserved an well mixed!", that's what he said and no doubt, that's Malaysia, huh..