"When I was young I set out to change the world.
When I grew older I perceived that this was too ambitious,
so I set out to change my state.
This too, I realized as I grew older, was too ambitious,
so I set out to change my town.
When I realized that I could not do even this, I tried to change my family.
Now, as an old man I know that I should have started by changing myself.
If I had started with myself, maybe then I would have succeeded
in changing my family, the town, or even the state-
and who knows, maybe the world."

February 17, 2010

Hot day and a Strange taste

新年快乐~ Happy CNY~ Wah, Malaysia has a HOTTER weather than before, hasn’t it? I have to wear the thinest clothes, and expose my slightly muscular yet slightly slim looking body (if not going out) and sweat all the time, in order to survive the hot days (~ 30oC)! Before returning home for Chinese New Year (CNY), I have to wrap myself up, wearing at least 3 layers of clothes plus a thick coat (when going out), to tolerate with the freezing weather (~ 0oC) in Korea.
"大日子 Woohoo!"
It was strange in the first day of my return because I can’t fully TASTE Malaysian food, ~50 % milder than the taste it used to be, something happened to my taste buds while I was away. Anyway, the real taste came back in the next day, only then I can enjoy the familiar home-made food with family during the festive CNY period!   

The familiar faces, the familiar languages, the familiar environment, the familiar places, the familiar buildings, the familiar flora and fauna, the familiar diversity.. hah, everything is just so familiar, so 'boleh', and the feeling is like so “Connected”! ..will "hibernate" with the familiar tastes for a few more hot days~