GOAL~ 4 years of a forgotten game, 1 month of news about the game everywhere you can see, 90 minutes of sitting around, listening fans screaming crazily, and occasionally I shout madly when getting a goal! That's world cup I used to think, and now still anyway.. as I never have watched the game seriously, I play basket ball, okay.. BUT for the first time, I watched world cup 2010 last Saturday night! It was pretty nice play~ and, the excitement of watching through big screen with the crowd, over some nice drink.. (though world cup is also HOT in Malaysia). Yeah..
Now I found my GOAL, not big, not small, just want to watch World Cup 2010 (Malaysia team?)~ hey, isn't it I suppose to work hard in the lab, Mr. Scientist? Well, finished my 3+1 'solo show' (enjoyable class presentations) in 2 weeks, take a break for tomorrow night match! Besides, scientists here also crazy at World cup. Guess what team's jersey I was wearing in the photo? There I'm staying now, and going to watch.. and also GO all Asian teams~