"When I was young I set out to change the world.
When I grew older I perceived that this was too ambitious,
so I set out to change my state.
This too, I realized as I grew older, was too ambitious,
so I set out to change my town.
When I realized that I could not do even this, I tried to change my family.
Now, as an old man I know that I should have started by changing myself.
If I had started with myself, maybe then I would have succeeded
in changing my family, the town, or even the state-
and who knows, maybe the world."

February 02, 2011

Quick and Simple Meal

Q.S.L.N.T. meal
Finally, I found it~ A guy who don't know how to cook well but can make food himself in less than 5 minutes. It is not easy to be away from home (studying or working), especially without mum's cooking (more...)! One, hard to make time to cook (but surely will have time to eat); Two, lack of experience in cooking (but really love eating). That's why I need quick and simple...

Happened to be here for a not long yet not short period of time, I have been eating something that I had never eaten before. These are new food, new sauces, new style, and also new term such as kimchi, bibimbap, samgyop-sal, bulgolgi and more.. It has been 'tongue-opening' since so many nice food, in addition to eye-opening! No matter what, I know I need tasty and healthy...

Having practiced some skills from my mother before (though not really relevant here..), plus my experiences  and needs, I finally made a meal which is quick, simple, good looking (colorful), quite nutritional (no scientific proves yet), and (I think it is) tasty too! BECAUSE all are instant food (rice/noodle, tuna, meat, sauce), an egg, lettuce (uncooked), using microwave oven~ and then with a newly learned way of eating (the lettuce?). This is how I'm going to eat for my Chinese New Year here.. because I don't go home (will be slightly late for CNY). Hopeful that when I got back there are still CNY feeling and  food at home! = =