A long freezing season has come to an end, a season with the least colorful, but white snow, or just brown soil and leaf-less trees.. and, due to the freezing weather, despite the most standard life of a science graduate student (work hard in the lab), my brain has been 'frozen', and hence have lesser writing ~
A more colorful season has begun and I gain more exposure to warm sunshine, and every where are flowers for some photographing, also feel more energetic and the sun 'wake up' especially early (5-6am) here in Spring.. and, due to early 'morning call' by the sun, have to start my day in early morning. This is something new I noticed during my time here that my own Bio-clock is the light-sensitive one and I usually sleep over my alarm clocks in raining day ~.
A more colorful season has begun and I gain more exposure to warm sunshine, and every where are flowers for some photographing, also feel more energetic and the sun 'wake up' especially early (5-6am) here in Spring.. and, due to early 'morning call' by the sun, have to start my day in early morning. This is something new I noticed during my time here that my own Bio-clock is the light-sensitive one and I usually sleep over my alarm clocks in raining day ~.
Recently have sit for language proficiency test of my 6th language. WHAT, another language?! ..used to wonder why Malaysian knows so many languages, but think more of it, nothing bad anyway, and it is fun too (though not in science). Well, I still remember that I have come for scientific research, have things to focus on, and getting more urgently is.. what's the next?