Remember him my first mentor from oversea I ever met, an ambitious, diligent, young passionated scientist.. Always wish I could visit his home country, either together with him ,or my backpack travel, or for Aikido training (at the Headquarter), but never have had the chance, nonetheless, I will. Remember I used to ask him how can he keep his DRIVE in his work everyday, knowing what to do next..? ..unlike me, at that time was an overly-ambitious yet BLURRY 'Science kids', almost fell sleep, and never had a clear mind in science, in my work or while reading journals; His reply has been of great HELPFUL. Remember the promise we made but was not able to, and I have to continue my journey myself and happy to have made some progress.. Even though more difficult it seems to be for the moment, and many changes have to be made, but I will fulfill the Promise!
Remember his wife, a very hardworking, responsible, tough women scientist.. and I respected her attitude and dedication at work, after had gone through her past experiences. She was TOUGH as she had to deal with his graduate study, take care of family, while in parallel had to get used to a brand new environment for them (in Malaysia), at an 'Imported' international university.. I get to know a little about the culture of their nation, particularly the 'system' of husband-wife, the Funny and lovely part ~
Remember another senior scientist from the same country that full of culture, though wasn't my direct mentor, whom we used to have lunch-dinner together everyday and he had always tried to guide me, a beginner - 'Science kids' like me.. really had wonderful time of sharing stories, listening some stories about his country, and his interesting work on migrating Salmon fish in his old day, especially loved his exciting Marine trip, his team went to the ocean tracking Salmon fish.. Remember one time I was frustrated about my work claiming that it was my bad luck day, but I was convinced by what he said and how he demonstrated to me that there was NO bad luck ~
Yaa.. an old time ~
Oh, I also miss my parents, it's parents' day!
Oh, I also miss my parents, it's parents' day!