'WHAT?! Don't fight?', 'No competition?'.. These were a few of my first questions when I started the training of this Martial Art, which initially thought I could kick some butt. No, No~ Have you ever come across with Martial Art that says to you don't fight? ..and even it has to be one, still you want NO fight? There are some other martial art too though.. So then I asked HOW, and in fact I have been asking the same question of how until now.. even though knowing more about the WHY~
It has been so lucky for me all the time to have met passionate teachers (sensei) and many practitioners (even though different background, language, culture, nation), sincerely sharing and training together along the way, in addition to my passion about this, so called, 'Art of Peace'. Finally, becomes the student of Aikido 合気道 ..and just got my black belt last weekend at an Annual Seminar of all Aikidoka in Korea, after years of practice, Yeah! This is another start, and it isn't just a martial art or self defense anyway..
You know what, the most inspiring I find about Aikido is, the falling and getting up and falling and getting up again, just like in reality, because one throws and another gets thrown during the training.. Oh, really not able to tell how many thousand times I have fallen down in variety of ways, and get back up right away ~ Whatever it is, just have to get back up! It has been so lucky for me all the time to have met passionate teachers (sensei) and many practitioners (even though different background, language, culture, nation), sincerely sharing and training together along the way, in addition to my passion about this, so called, 'Art of Peace'. Finally, becomes the student of Aikido 合気道 ..and just got my black belt last weekend at an Annual Seminar of all Aikidoka in Korea, after years of practice, Yeah! This is another start, and it isn't just a martial art or self defense anyway..