"When I was young I set out to change the world.
When I grew older I perceived that this was too ambitious,
so I set out to change my state.
This too, I realized as I grew older, was too ambitious,
so I set out to change my town.
When I realized that I could not do even this, I tried to change my family.
Now, as an old man I know that I should have started by changing myself.
If I had started with myself, maybe then I would have succeeded
in changing my family, the town, or even the state-
and who knows, maybe the world."

February 09, 2012

Despite the risk

Wow it's already a NEW YEAR 2012, finally I come back to write! So this winter I've missed, and I miss my last winter, my last last winter as well. I remember the freezing weather, chilling wind, snowing night, snowman, snow fight, slippery road, shiny white scene everywhere. The most unforgettable is downhill skiing! Why? It's so.. wonderful, great, cool, awesome~! Okay I'm not describing specifically, please try it yourself. IMAGINE that you ski down from mountain top, the wind, the speed, the view, and not forgetting some falling. It was 2 years ago, my first time skiing, I didn't think but just learn (brief on-the-spot training) and do the skiing (carefully).

After the trip, I realized that skiing is indeed quite dangerous! Hey, what if I couldn't stop and fell out of the mountain, what if broke my arm or leg, what if I hit a big stone, what if I knock someone, and what if I rolled all the way down, and what if, you know, die or coma! More and more WHAT IF.. How can we 100% certain it'll be alright, and there were accidents. Pretty obvious that there will be more scary (specific) possibilities I can think of than the good I can tell (actually good experience~). This is insane, why people enjoy skiing? Thanks and luckily everybody in the ski trip were perfectly fine~

So I was frightened (a little), but looking back to my photos taken during the ski trip and recalling the happy time, err.. shall I never ever ski again? In fact if I had known these what-if before, I would still just do it for the first time, and will like to go for the second time too. Because.. because.. hehe. By the way, I was wondering which one is more frequently happen and higher RISK than another, skiing accident or car accident during only winter time?