Now there is this young handsome guy who.. has been infected by a type of very tiny organism! This unfriendly tiny organism used to stay inactive for many years but at one time they replicated in huge number, making 'Protest' in an attempt to overthrow the host body, the handsome guy. It might be due to some reasons that had weakened the defense in his body. Still, it's almost symptomless.. So he took the prescribed pill daily for over a year while monitoring the number of this tiny beings. Finally they retreated and their number dropped to undetectable, and specific antibody had been detected which the body defense regained the ability to get rid of the remaining as affirmed by clinical diagnostic tests. However, it was not the end as expected~
The handsome guy has been maintaining a (quite) healthy lifestyle such as taking more fruits and vegetable, no excessive calories, no alcohol (okay neglectable amount), adequate quality rest, and having happy positive mind, as well as (some) regular exercise. Unfortunately, after a couple of years the tiny fellows really strike back! Again, a horde of tiny fellows is holding 'Rally' at similar favorite region inside the body, a vital organ with very high regenerative ability. There were no incompensatable injuries reported so far. But a one-year prescription has been suggested by the doctor which is said to have better chance for the body defense to eliminate the whole trouble-making troop this time. So the handsome guy will have to face another winnable 'mini-battle' against the tiny fellows soon which requires weekly injection of drug.. Oh~ poor guy. Good luck!
Me? NO~ Sounds like? No no, not me. But yes, me too a handsome guy though.