"When I was young I set out to change the world.
When I grew older I perceived that this was too ambitious,
so I set out to change my state.
This too, I realized as I grew older, was too ambitious,
so I set out to change my town.
When I realized that I could not do even this, I tried to change my family.
Now, as an old man I know that I should have started by changing myself.
If I had started with myself, maybe then I would have succeeded
in changing my family, the town, or even the state-
and who knows, maybe the world."

Showing posts with label Neuro things. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Neuro things. Show all posts

August 30, 2016

Things in another world

The world of things not easily seen, e.g. viruses and bacteria. Not all bad. Hepatitis B virus (HBV). A thing that infects people's liver. Chronic one is particularly complicated to deal with. When symptoms found, it will be quite late if not too late. This thing is related to people close to me and another reason. Then I came across this #NOhep thing. So try learn what's new to deal with HBV. This is what happen when it gets inside the body. Basically, HBV virus takes over its host (living cells), the virus...
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July 29, 2016

Things with light

Today, more things that emit light are placed on the streets and in every buildings and in front of us (e.g. the Surface RT I'm typing) for many purposes. What's more have we learned about effects of light on our body/health. The eyes detect light with some photoreceptors allowing us to see the things. Besides, we may sense light without seeing and this is a thing. Do we have those photoreceptors that are not for seeing things (non-visual ones)?? Yes, there are some...
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July 21, 2016

Things inside human body

How long the things inside the body can last. Don't know exactly. How things can go wrong either. Anyway, we are still in good health because we take care. The things inside the human body are designed to keep us alive/survive. Each of them has own job basically. There are things for digestion, things for breathing, things for waste control, things for sensation, things for protection, and other complex things. Everyday we introduce things from the outside. Of course we need to take good things,...
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