What to think makes a difference. Say, one day you walked in a fish shop and happened to see a fish in a tank. Look. Let's say, it's a zebrafish. As you are looking at it, this fish happens to show some movements or behaviors, for some reasons.
What is this fish doing? The fish swims towards you. And you think, the fish probably sees you are giving food. To others, that fish probably wants to chase you away, because you look bad. Well, perhaps, that fish wants to look closer at your pretty face. Now then the same fish does not come towards...
Showing posts with label New chapter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New chapter. Show all posts
July 16, 2017
March 31, 2017
Things about to happen
Many months or a year from now, I have already thought about it. At that time I knew things were going to happen somewhere some day.
What things? Okay, there were going to be something good and something probably bad. Well, it depends. Somehow, some people think it's right and some think it's very wrong. You see what have happened in the world lately (since last year). Look around us, and then look at the West and the East; also look at the North and the South. I know, it's a lot of things!
Alright, how do I know it? Of course, something...

January 17, 2017
People took my things
Yes, seriously. In fact, they just did it. People took my things away. How come?
Guess what. Well, you know right, the security of this place has not been perfectly fine. Things like that could happen, so do not leave your things unattended and be careful. But wait. Is it related to that song, "You took my heart away" (MLTR)? Although the "people" and "things" are more specifically defined for this one (funny huh). Otherwise, probably the next one. You see, sometimes, work is like a battle; sometimes you win, sometimes they win. Take it easy,...

January 04, 2017
Buying power!
My power has never been strong when it comes to buying things, which I underestimated. Because that's based on my performance in retail shops and department stores. But, when look at my performance in online shopping, just last months (so busy), I know my buying power is competitive!
The experience is different when compare to that in shopping mall. Walking in the mall for hours (sometimes), I might see a thing to buy and thinking if there is a cheaper one elsewhere, any other choices or other styles,...

November 29, 2016
Like never before
This year has had a lot of big things happened everywhere, like never before. But I was focusing on a rather small thing -- finishing my university degree and getting a job I want.
Well, it is a degree like never before. That's like the highest of its kind. I should present something (final product) that I had been working on (so called research) for years, which is judged to deserve the degree. The way of taking lectures and final exams becomes irrelevant. So, there are no answer...

November 08, 2016
Strange thing
Forget everything you think you know. Well, people come out with this strange thing. I think I know this is interestingly strange. I like what that movie presents. That name is Strange.
Is that what we think we know? Things can get complicated with time and space, life and death. They might seem as simple as that. We don't usually think too much about things like that everyday, since we are busy. What can you do about it, anyway? Changing time? (interesting though). It can be difficult to understand. But those things are strange and always...

October 18, 2016
Think of the games
It's time for this thing now. I came to a basketball court and started to do shooting, as usual. Then, I joined with some university students to play basketball games and things got more fun.
The thing I enjoyed about the games is simply focusing on thinking how to get to the goal. Basically, it means thinking how to make the chance for me to do a jump-shot or dribble pass the defenders to score; otherwise, how do I pass the ball to teammates...

October 14, 2016
Things blocked
Many things are inside my head that my brain has to try processing. Especially things I'm waiting to know and things newly come to my attention. Also, there are a few things in the past and things about to happen and other things around (I somewhat care). Such state of mind hinders the process of thinking ideas, e.g. what to write.
Two ways to look at this. Some of us might think that because of all those things in mind, things blocked. Whereas, some might think that because...

September 28, 2016
Possible what
How do we know if things will work? It has never come true to us before. But after all the work done and we have put in effort and time with high expectation. It is possible, what.
Yes. The thing might turn out fine, although started thinking what if we lose the chance or fail the thing or get hurt this time. Because it is possible that the thing doesn't work, although we still believe in ourselves and the thing. Either way (or both?) we might be thinking of the consequences...

September 18, 2016
Look down on things

On top of the world?
Looking down on things through a window of an airplane. I was flying from Okinawa. So that is the things we see.
When we are looking at things from top, the things (so far) are not clearly identifiable. We know, down there must have buildings, mountains, ocean, rivers, roads, vehicles, people, and many other things. The higher we go the harder to clearly see those things from the sky. It's a different view from top.
Meanwhile, one thing comes closer and we can see perhaps clearer. I mean the clouds....

September 09, 2016
Useless or used-less?
Clearing useless things helps to make rooms for the new and to keep things organized. But for a reason, I rarely describe a thing as "useless". I used to do so, but turns out other people found the thing useful. This happens quite often. We actually didn't know how to use the "useless" thing.
The things that seem to be "useless" are used less. Interestingly, people use those things for new purposes. For example, leftover food kept for feeding pet dogs; empty plastic bottles used...

August 22, 2016
Win the thing
A lot of things resemble some sorts of sports games. When we compete with each other, in some ways, to win a thing. Maybe some (like me) aim only to win over themselves. Basically we fight to win the thing. Didn't make it and try do it again. That spirit.
So, what is the thing to win?? Defining the thing can mean what we might actually win. Say in the Olympic games, one might fight to win some matches, another might fight to win a medal, and the...

August 14, 2016
Use "thing" with care
We try to explain something so people easily understand. People want to know it. But there are times we need to talk about some complex things. Things that people feel hard to get and remember. Say, we might be an expert in a field/niche. Explaining complex things to people using expert-friendly technical words or jargon confuses more at the beginning. Non-expert and even half-expert people may not get what that thing is.
Try use "thing". Replacing jargon with "thing" when explaining complex...

August 07, 2016
An "island" thing?
People used to say, "No man is an island." Well, not only man.
The thing is who wants to be "an island" actually. And, who became "an island" nowadays (with things like Facebook/Twitter). If you perceive nobody as "an island". Say, we might be a talkative and social-able person. Maybe. We simply can approach someone around who looks like "an island" and talk to them. Maybe they often are alone and quiet (or introvert?) and sometimes need a...

July 12, 2016
Connect things back
"You can only connect the dots looking backwards" (Steve Jobs). Things are somehow connected.
Once upon a time, there lived a young man who had passion but was a little confused. A fresh grad (amateur and broke) living in a city. He had some ideas what he wants to become, but he knew very little of what that actually is. Later, the guy afforded his first-time trip to overseas (in his 20s) and backpack travelled alone, and he was amazed with things out there....

June 29, 2016
Two things now
Brexit. The thing that almost everybody heard of, seen, felt or knew it; also many seem to understand and think about it. Because the thing sounds like and looks like and feels like, okay maybe can no longer be ignored.
The Brexit thing can mean a lot of things between good and bad things to people. The vote count was like 50-50. Different people from different places everywhere see it in different ways.
I know, now it is separated into their (UK) things and another their (EU) things. By the way,...

June 22, 2016
One decision matters
Is this the one?? ... Deciding to do one thing seems to be harder than searching things to do. I seek to work at a place with a group o people doing a project that is closest to my interest and that I am going to do breakthrough things. Sort of a commitment that will costs everybody's time, energy, money, and a lot of things (e.g. one's youth. This thing matters).
Pretty hard to know (exactly) whether you would commit to that potential project you are...

June 10, 2016
Do unusual thing
Did I just tell people that it is difficult. Meaning it's hard not working a job. What?? I think people normally think it is hard (somehow). Well, have to think of what to do and why. But, you are basically free to do whatever you wish to be doing.
Is this not a good thing??
When working a job (liked it or not), people usually lack (extra) time and are always hoping for more holidays. So, more free time to do things they like, start something, maybe do nothing, or try/learn...

May 29, 2016
Take a break

Works were completed. Deadlines were met. Goals were hit. I felt so light mentally. 'let it go, let it go' (ya, that movie). Anyway, there will be a good news to officiate soon, which I knew it already. So, last week, it became my family day.
I met up with my parents and usually I have to come to Genting Highlands. Everytime. Well, it is a famous tourist place in Malaysia that people come for enjoying chilly weather and mountainous scenery, riding cable cars, visiting the casino, feeling like in...

May 17, 2016
Brand new chapter
What is this thing, I doubted. Oh, it's my blog. Last week, it looked different to me, although it appeared the same blog not updated since year 2012. Actually, I'm the one who has somewhat changed. I decided to renovate this blog and simplify it. From today, this is the new look of my blog. Tadaaa!!
Two additional things I now have are a PhD in neuroscience and a thesis with publication. Okay, not going to brag about it. You see, it is related to biological importance of non-visual light...

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